Do you work on a service running waiting queues?
Calculates the average waiting times and people (or item)
processing times based on some input estimates. Can be used to make
service capacity simulations or to measure the service throughput
on any service or process demanding waiting queues.
Really easy to use, just fill in the values in the Input
Cells and check the results on the Output area, immediately. Change
the inputs to see the effect of each change. It uses a mathematical formulae and a lookup table
to calculate the output values based on the inputs given.

Screen Shot from the Excel File (Click to Enlarge)
What does it do?
Using as input the
- Number of Servers (like service desks);
- Service rate (customers served by time unit);
- Arrival rate (customer arrival rate to the end of the queue);
This Excel file will calculate the following:
- Utilization factor: % of the service capacity being used.
Systems are usually considered stressed when they breach the 80%
utilization level;
- Mean number of "customers "in the system: total
number of "customers" waiting and being served;
- Mean number of waiting "customers": number of
"customers" waiting to be served
- Mean waiting time, on the selected unit;
Note that the word "customers" may be people or
products waiting processing by the system, which may be a service or
manufacturing or any other form of process. The time unit may be
freely selected.
Results are immediate and displayed as soon as any input
value changes. The excel document is pre-formatted for
printing, pressing the print button is all it's need to
print the results.
Are there limitations?
Only one. The calculations use a lockup table that has intervals of
values. Input values have therefore to be approximated to the nearest
table value and so results are approximate, not absolute. But,
unless you require a high level of precision, in which case this is
not the software for the job, the results should be close enough.
For this reason, the number of servers inputted is limited to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 10. The input cell is formatted so that only valid values will
be accepted.
Are there security implications?
No. Technically, there is no macro code in this file, only a specially prepared Excel sheet with formulas to
calculate its Outputs from the values you input. For
a general overview of Macro security issues, read this article.
Simulation Tip:
To make really useful simulations, change just one input value
each time. Register (the easiest way is printing) the output values,
then change one (and just one) of the input values to get the new
results. Register them again. Compare the effect of each change, to
assess the impact of each input variable on the processing capacity
of your system. You'll get a good idea on what's need to be done to
improve capacity or reduce waiting time and what is the consequences
of changes on each of the input parameters.
What do I get after purchase?
After payment at PayPal,
you will get to a confirmation page with a link to download a XLS file containing
a Microsoft® Excel file. Click on this link and
save the file to your own hard drive. Just open it with Excel every
time you want to use it.
Losing sales? Still guessing how long you
customers will wait? Spending hundreds on specialized software you
don't know how to use?
This easy to use Excel macro will calculate waiting times and
service capacity. No need to learn new software skills.
Start now by using one of the BUY NOW buttons.